Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Vehicle registration


Vehicle registration

Mr LIMBRICK (South Eastern Metropolitan) (11:41): My question is to the minister representing the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. It has come to my attention that it is the current process of VicRoads that in the instance a driver forgets to renew their vehicle registration they are notified via text message two days after it is overdue. We are all human and sometimes forget to pay things on time. However, this means that the driver is at risk of being fined for driving an unregistered vehicle for two days. My question to the minister is: why are these text messages only sent after registration has lapsed?

Ms PULFORD (Western Victoria—Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Resources) (11:41): I thank Mr Limbrick for his question. I will seek a written response for him from the Minister for Roads and Road Safety.

Mr LIMBRICK (South Eastern Metropolitan) (11:41): I thank the minister for passing that on. My supplementary question is: will the minister consider changing this process to instead send a warning message on the day the registration is due or before, if it is flagged as not paid, to increase the likelihood of drivers paying on time and not receiving fines?

Ms PULFORD (Western Victoria—Minister for Employment, Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and the Digital Economy, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Resources) (11:42): Again I will provide Mr Limbrick with a written response in accordance with our standing orders after conferring with the Minister for Roads and Road Safety.