Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Mr QUILTY (Northern Victoria) (12:16): (1907) My constituency question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. Last week I was on a trip around the Northern Victoria Region meeting constituents and councils. Rail issues were raised frequently. In Castlemaine the reopening of Harcourt railway station was raised. While part of Mount Alexander shire, Harcourt is part of the larger Bendigo growth area, and many of its residents commute to Bendigo daily. This government promised before the 2018 election to reopen Harcourt station. Like many other election promises to regional Victoria, this one seems to have vanished without a trace. The line to Bendigo was cut back to a single line short-sightedly, like so many others in northern Victoria, so there is some work to do. Minister, will you commit to a timetable and to funding for the reopening of Harcourt station before the November election? If you will not keep your promises from 2018 to the people of northern Victoria, none of us will be able to believe any of the promises you make in the run-up to 2022.