Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:10): (1902) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The Andrews Labor government’s lack of commitment to the Shepparton bypass project is obvious for all to see. At every turn the government has ignored and delayed progress on what is the number one priority project for the Greater Shepparton community. The state government committed funding of $10.2 million in the 2017–18 state budget to finalise planning for stage 1 of the Shepparton bypass, to prepare a business case and to upgrade the intersection of the Goulburn Valley Highway, Wanganui Road and Ford Road by installing a roundabout. Five years later no work has commenced on the construction of the roundabout. Will the minister provide me with details of the expenditure of the committed $10.2 million, including how much remains to upgrade the intersection of the GB highway, Wanganui Road and Ford Road, and also advise what the current cost of the intersection upgrade is?