Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Members statements

Red Cliffs Football Netball Club

Members statements

Red Cliffs Football Netball Club

Ms LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:35): I am delighted to rise and speak of the Liberal Party’s commitment to fund the redevelopment of the Red Cliffs Football Netball Club clubrooms and change room facilities. Last sitting week I spoke of the need for the state government to provide funding for the project to cater for the club’s expanding teams and the growth in popularity of girls’ and women’s football. Last month I visited the Red Cliffs Football Netball Club with the Liberal candidate for Mildura, Paul Matheson, who is a big supporter of the redevelopment. I was very happy to join Paul in Mildura on Sunday to announce that if elected in November, the Liberal Party will commit $600 000 to make the project a reality. I congratulate Paul for his strong advocacy on this issue and the club president, Tony Marciano, and everyone at the Red Cliffs Tigers who is working so hard to upgrade this important community asset.