Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Members statements

Peter Baker Williams

Peter Baker Williams

Mr GEPP (Northern Victoria) (12:37): I rise to inform the house of the passing of Echuca resident and Campaspe shire lion Peter Baker Williams. Peter was many things in the local community of Echuca. He was a farmer, he was a small businessman and he was a community activist. Peter stood for the Labor Party in Murray Plains in the past couple of elections, and it is not easy being a Labor person in that part of the world. It is not our natural habitat, some may say. But Peter did it with such grace, style and aplomb. I had occasion to speak with the Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh, following Peter Baker Williams’s passing. I know that Mr Walsh held Peter in high esteem as well and was very saddened by his passing.

Peter was a great community activist. He was a member of the local council on many occasions. He also attained the title of mayor, again proving just how well respected and loved Peter was in his local community. He never stopped advocating for the Shire of Campaspe, and I know my friend and colleague the Attorney-General, Ms Symes, was equally saddened by Peter’s passing. Peter was a great Labor person. He was a great member of that local community. To his friends, to his family and to his loved ones, we send our deepest condolences. Vale, Peter Williams.