Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Constituency questions

Eastern Metropolitan Region

Eastern Metropolitan Region

Dr BACH (Eastern Metropolitan) (12:12): (1904) My constituency question today is for the Minister for Local Government. Will the minister work with the local council in Box Hill, Whitehorse council, in order to deliver far better car parking options for nurses and other health workers at Eastern Health? Last week I had the great pleasure of joining Ms Crozier and Liberal candidate Nicole Werner for discussions with the CEO of Eastern Health. We talked about a range of issues that we have seen at Eastern Health through no fault of the leadership team or the hardworking staff—issues like ramping. There is really significant ramping there. Every issue we have seen has been made worse by our workforce crisis. Something I know many nurses have gone to Liberal candidate Nicole Werner about is the fact that there are so few car parking options for them. This will be eased by the fantastic announcement that Ms Crozier made the other day, but we still want to see far better car parking options. The council did put in place innovative solutions like the use of permits and some local council car parks at the height of the pandemic. Those need to be revisited, and I would like Mr Leane’s assistance to do that with council.