Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Members statements

Teacher training

Teacher training

Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) (12:39): The national Jobs and Skills Summit includes a review of our national skills training and higher education policies, and that is a good idea. We should instigate our very own review of the state’s education policies here in Victoria, and that review should aim to abandon the politicisation of education in this state. We should depoliticise education for teachers by abolishing left-wing dominated teacher training colleges and outsource teacher training to private organisations. The socialist propaganda being poured down the throats of prospective teachers needs to be replaced by impartial training that produces the best-quality teachers. We must require top-level VCE scores for those applying to become teachers to ensure a higher standard of educators to provide a higher standard of education. We do not want the bottom-level graduates as our teachers. We need highest quality graduates to educate our children.

We need to depoliticise education for children by outlawing child sexualisation programs such as the so-called Safe Schools program and end the indoctrination of our children with radical agenda material. We need to cease brainwashing students with the fallacies of global warming. We need to teach skills for being a successful employee and how to start and run a small business, not just prep for university. These issues are very, very important not just for the future of education but indeed for the future of our children, and there is nothing more important in this state.