Thursday, 2 November 2023
Planning permits
Planning permits
Matthew BACH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) presented a petition bearing 24 signatures:
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the extended time periods for planning permit approvals and the significant ramification these delays have on individuals aiming to construct owner-occupied properties. Owners-occupiers are facing escalated building costs and the threat of invalidated building contracts due to the inevitable delays. Applicants of planning permits face objections that are considered without thorough examination or careful scrutiny. The prevalent culture of lodging objections is often influenced by personal disputes rather than genuine concerns related to the proposed construction. It is unjust for aspiring homeowners to be hindered by unfounded objections that unfairly empower the objector. An urgent re-evaluation of this process is required. Owner-occupied construction projects should be processed via the VicSmart application, eliminating the need for advertising new owner-occupied builds. Decisions concerning these permits should adhere to the VicSmart application timeline, ensuring a verdict within ten days. The scope of applications facilitated by the VicSmart portal should also be broadened, to accommodate requests such as multiple tree removals rather than just a single tree.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to re-evaluate the planning permit process for owner-occupied construction projects, revise the existing regulations, balance applicant and objector rights, and expedite planning permit acquisition.