Thursday, 2 November 2023

Constituency questions

Eastern Victoria Region

Eastern Victoria Region

Tom McINTOSH (Eastern Victoria) (14:05): (524) My question is for the Minister for Veterans in the other place. Could the minister please outline to my constituents who can apply and what are eligible projects for the upcoming opening of the veterans capital works and restoring war memorials grants program? I have visited several RSLs this year to see firsthand the work supported by the Allan Labor government and to discuss the importance of the new Veterans Card Victoria. I was very pleased to hear that earlier this month we reached 10,000 veteran card sign-ups. There is so much fantastic work happening in RSLs across eastern Victoria. The Rosebud RSL has invested in an electric car charger and solar car park as well as food processing to reduce food waste; the Stratford RSL are maintaining their hall and leasing it out for wider community benefit, including local NDIS participants; and the Gippsland Veterans Centre in Sale have volunteers working around the clock as advocates for veterans right across Gippsland and the Royal Australian Air Force base in East Sale. These projects support the RSL’s sustainability and ensure support for veterans and their families, and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all these amazing volunteers engaged across the organisation.