Thursday, 2 November 2023

Members statements

Wyndham Youth Civic Participation Project

Wyndham Youth Civic Participation Project

Trung LUU (Western Metropolitan) (09:45): Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Youth Civic Participation Project graduation event held at Wyndham City Council, a celebration of the successful completion of the youth civic participation program by a group of highly motivated, bright and aspirational young Australians. The Wyndham Vale Youth Civic Participation Project is for people aged between 18 and 25 with an interest in how the country is governed. The project is for young aspirational policymakers and community leaders who would like to see behind the curtain of local, state and federal politics. The participants had an opportunity to meet councillors, public servants, council staff and members of state and federal parliaments to discuss their responsibilities. During the recent program the participants spent time at the council, met up with members from this chamber and the other place, attended Parliament House and travelled to Canberra to meet up with federal MPs and visit museums, the High Court of Australia and the Australian War Museum. Again I would like to congratulate this year’s Youth Civic Participation Project graduates Jason, Ashish, Bethany, Meghana, Khushi, Shuaib, Shuobing, Karlee, Nordin, Tanya, Fynn and Sanya. Also well done to Trudy Chitty and the team from Wyndham City Council youth service and community support for running a great initiative.