Thursday, 2 November 2023
Members statements
Scouts South Gippsland district
Scouts South Gippsland district
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (09:56): There are many generous and giving volunteers in the Scouting movement as well. Last week I had the pleasure of celebrating the annual presentation awards night for the South Gippsland and district Scouts at Phillip Island. I want to congratulate the 1st Inverloch Scouting group, the 1st Fish Creek Scouting group, the Ghoul Creek Venturers, the 2nd Korumburra Scouting group and the 1st Yarram Scouting group, who each won particular awards, and Bailey, William and Willow. And specifically, I give a special congratulations to Maree Pascoe, who won the volunteer of the year award to a standing ovation from the large assembled crowd. She is an amazing volunteer, and we respect her time and effort over many, many years.