Thursday, 2 November 2023
Enver ERDOGAN (Northern Metropolitan – Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Victim Support) (17:51): There were 10 matters raised today. Two of them were directed to me, from Dr Bach and Ms Copsey, and I will respond to those in the usual way in writing. In addition there were: Ms Purcell to the Premier about the Israel–Palestine conflict, Ms Lovell to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Ms Bath to the Premier, Mr Ettershank to the Minister for Public and Active Transport, Mrs McArthur to the Minister for Environment, Mrs Broad to the Minister for Police and Mr Luu to the Minister for Education. I will make sure all of those are passed on and appropriate responses given.
David Ettershank: On a point of order, President, my question was to the Treasurer, not the minister for public transport.
The PRESIDENT: The member will amend that. The house stands adjourned.
House adjourned 5:52 pm.