Thursday, 2 November 2023


Police resources

Police resources

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (17:47): (578) My adjournment matter is to the Minister for Police. The Labor government’s neglect of Victoria Police is putting the safety of northern Victorian communities at risk, with dwindling police numbers and rising crime rates. There has been an alarming increase in crime rates across northern Victorian, particularly in youth crime and farm crime. It is becoming increasingly difficult to prevent crime, with fewer officers on duty. In parts of northern Victoria criminal incident rates have jumped by 13 per cent in just one year. It has come to light that one out of every five police officers is set to depart from their role in the upcoming year, resulting in a loss of 3500 dedicated officers from active duty.

A study by Swinburne University has revealed that a staggering 67 per cent of officers feel burnt out. Workload pressure is growing, and stress levels have reached unprecedented levels. Labor promised to recruit up to 2000 new officers. Instead there has been an annual exodus of 500 officers from the force, with an additional 700 police officers off duty on WorkCover. Police whistleblowers have raised the alarm, stating that major crimes, including sexual assault, are taking three years to be investigated. Intervention orders are not being served on time, police vehicles remain idle and stations are closing without notice. Our local police do a great job under significant pressure, but they are clearly stretched. The action I seek is for the state government to take action to ensure country police stations are adequately staffed and resourced to deter crime in regional areas.