Thursday, 2 November 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
Duck hunting
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:50): (342) My question is for the Leader of the Government, representing the Premier. Premier, the 2023 eastern Australian waterbird survey has just wound up, reporting a population boom amongst game duck populations. Can the Premier outline what whole-of-government arrangements are being made to capitalise on what promises to be a bumper duck season for 2024?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:51): I will refer the question to the Premier.
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:51): Thank you, Attorney-General. Premier, non-toxic shot has been used exclusively in duck hunting for a generation now. Wholesalers have a long lead time for ordering, and late season decisions make the supply chain virtually impossible to manage. Given the conditions, will the government commit to a full-length duck season for 2024 right now and give the industry the certainty it needs to invest in this important regional economic activity?
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (12:51): I was happy to refer your substantive question to the Premier because you asked for a whole-of-government response. You are now asking specifically in relation to a decision that would be made by another minister, but I will pass the question on regardless.