Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Members statements

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region schools

Members statements

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region schools

Sonja TERPSTRA (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:45): It is really important that when you need to spend a penny at school this government, the Allan Labor government, knows and understands and we will spend a penny. I am really pleased to say that in recent upgrades to schools Andersons Creek Primary School will be receiving around half a million dollars to upgrade their toilet block. We know toilet facilities in our public schools are incredibly important, and not only if you have got the call of nature – you may need a quiet moment just to gather your thoughts. I am pleased to say that a similar amount, almost $500,000, is going towards East Doncaster Secondary College because we are also upgrading their toilet facilities. We are providing important infrastructure for teachers and students where they can have a place to meet as well. It is a very important investment in our fantastic public schools in the North-Eastern Metropolitan Region. I know, having visited those schools a number of times, that those public schools do an amazing job educating our fantastic students every day. I just want to thank the teachers, the staff and the principals at those schools for the amazing job that they do in continuing to educate our best and brightest as they come through our fantastic public education system.