Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Members statements

Africa Day

Africa Day

Lee TARLAMIS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (09:51): It was wonderful to be part of the amazing and vibrant Africa Day gala celebration at the Melbourne Town Hall last weekend along with my good friend Minister Stitt. Africa Day is a celebration of Africa’s unity, countries, culture and arts. It is a day that symbolises the collective aspirations of African nations for solidarity, freedom and peace. It embodies the spirit of African resilience and cultural richness, uniting people from Africa’s many different countries in a shared commitment to the continent’s future. This celebration also highlights the importance of cultural preservation and expression. I acknowledge, recognise and appreciate the significant contributions of Victoria’s African communities to our wonderfully diverse multicultural society.

The Victorian government is committed to fostering social cohesion and inclusion, ensuring that all Victorians feel a sense of belonging and are free to share and celebrate their cultural heritage, language and traditions. In 2024 the Africa Day theme is ‘Educate an African fit for the 21st century’. This includes building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning. This is something that the Allan Labor government is committed to here in the Education State, which is backed up by our unprecedented investment in education. Victoria’s multicultural communities, like our African communities, make significant social, cultural and economic contributions to the success of Victoria every day, and this wonderful program and vibrant event was a celebration showcasing all things African, where old friends and new came together in unity.

Congratulations to all the amazing organisations recognised that evening for their invaluable contributions supporting the community and for continuing to promote the values of unity and inclusivity, enhancing our state’s social fabric. Thanks to the Africa Day president Qiniso Dube, the Africa Day committee, the sponsors, Fred Alale AM and everyone involved in making this amazing event such a success.