Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (17:58): There were 13 adjournment matters this evening to 11 different ministers, and I will ensure that they are referred for a written response in accordance with the standing orders.
In relation to Ms Crozier’s adjournment matter, I am happy to acquit that matter now. Obviously there have been a number of exchanges between Ms Crozier and me today about these issues. I am aware of the resident’s correspondence that she is referring to. I brought to the attention of my department the contents of that correspondence –
Georgie Crozier: When – tonight?
Ingrid STITT: No, not tonight – when I received the correspondence, Ms Crozier. The department has been working closely with Ngwala in terms of that situation. I understand that also the local member, Nina Taylor MP, has met with that particular resident and discussed these issues with her. I do want to reiterate that Ngwala has been operating out of that premises for 50 years, and it is a well-respected community health service in the area and indeed has a fantastic reputation across the state. I could also advise the house that Ngwala have engaged with local residents through their own letterboxing. They have invited local residents to tour the sobering centre and ask questions of the staff, and most residents have engaged through these forums and have expressed a lot of support for the work that they are doing.
I think it is important to remember that these staff are working in pretty challenging circumstances. It is completely inappropriate for anybody to film or photograph their premises or the staff or clients of that service without their consent. I obviously receive a lot of correspondence right across the mental health portfolio, and I reply to all the correspondence I receive. Your constituent will receive a written response from me in due course.
Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, I just need some clarification. I was talking about the very aggressive and abusive language from the employees to my resident. A number of residents have written to the minister, and none of them have ever received anything from the minister, so it is very convenient for her to say, ‘Yes, they will receive a response since I have received it.’
The PRESIDENT: I do not know if that is a point of order, Ms Crozier.
Georgie Crozier: My clarification point of order is that my action was: will she speak directly about what action she will take, given these employees –
Ingrid Stitt interjected.
Georgie Crozier: Yes, I did. The action – I will read it again.
The PRESIDENT: Order! It is not for me to direct the minister how she acquits the adjournment matter, but I believe the minister acquitted the adjournment matter.
Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, this is the problem. I mean, the minister says she will acquit it in here, but my action is particularly around providing to my constituent what action she will take in relation to this very serious issue.
The PRESIDENT: Once again, it is not for me to direct the minister how she acquits her adjournment matter.