Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Members statements

Julie Suares


Julie Suares

Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (09:48): Julie Suares was a Labor woman. She died on 12 May 2024. She was a sister, aunt, horserider, electorate officer, shearers cook, historian and author. I worked alongside Julie for many years. Julie was an executive member for many years in the Ararat branch and the Wannon federal electorate assembly. She advocated for outer regional communities and supported the progress of regional women. I so very much enjoyed working alongside Julie, and her friendship. She wrote a book JB Chifley: An Ardent Internationalist published in 2019, for which she received her doctorate at Deakin University. Julie died at a time when all the stars were shining for her beloved causes – the seat of Ripon is back in Labor hands under the dedicated care of Martha Haylett in the other place, the state of Victoria is Labor, the nation is Labor and, equally important, her beloved Magpies are the reigning premiers. In Ben Chifley’s words, as quoted in Julie’s book:

No one can live alone; we all are dependent on each other.

Julie, we had the honour of depending on you, and we will miss you. I offer my condolences to Julie’s sister Lyn Hughes, her niece Jessie and the rest of her family.