Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Members statements

Geelong Food Assistance Network


Geelong Food Assistance Network

Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (09:50): People in Victoria are doing it tough. Money is tight for families, for single parents and for students. Cost-of-living pressures are affecting people all across my community. In my electorate of Western Victoria there are areas facing the highest socio-economic disadvantage levels in the state, including Norlane, Newcomb, Whittington, Corio, Moolap and Lovely Banks. On Monday I attended a meeting of community members and organisations who dedicate much of their time in aid of these communities. The Geelong Food Assistance Network brings together food relief, homelessness and other charity groups, working together to alleviate hunger in our region. The network is an opportunity for collaboration, networking, advocacy and support. Between them they provide millions of meals to people across our region. They want to ensure that no matter what your financial circumstances are, you can have food on the table. But demand is growing substantially, and all organisations report seeing many people who have never had to access support from them before, who have never had to access food relief, and more people with very complex needs. I want to take the opportunity to thank the Geelong Food Assistance Network for the work that they do, but I also hope that one day we can put them out of work by ensuring that everyone can afford to feed themselves.