Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (14:05): (891) My constituency question is for the Premier. Like my last question to her, now two weeks overdue, it concerns the resignation of the member for South Barwon. The Premier can hardly have forgotten the issue. Just yesterday she announced the Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Bill 2024, ironically describing it as ‘overdue’. She also appointed a Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change. My question to her is: has she directed as her parliamentary secretary’s first duty to seek behaviour change from the member for South Barwon, whose continued absence from Parliament is denying his constituents a voice, or to ask him to resign from the Labor Party and leave Parliament? Either way, as I asked her before, when will she inform voters, who currently see only newspaper leaks from Labor Party colleagues, of the nature and seriousness of the allegations which necessitated their MP’s dismissal from her government and the parliamentary party?