Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Northern Metropolitan Region

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (14:04): (890) Last Monday when I was walking into my electorate office I had the chance to meet Hiba and her daughter Latifa, who had come down to get some help from my team loading their digital licences up, as Latifa has just recently got her full licence and her own car. So a big congratulations to Latifa, and I will look out for you and your little Honda Jazz around our streets. Hiba, being the loving mum that she is, has a load of questions around the roads in Brunswick and surrounds where she lives and wants to know what the government is doing to upgrade and maintain roads. My constituency question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in the other place: what is the Allan Labor government doing to invest in roads and road safety in my electorate of the Northern Metropolitan Region?