Thursday, 6 March 2025

Members statements

Foster and District Agricultural Show

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Foster and District Agricultural Show

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (09:53): Everybody loves an agricultural show. On 22 February the Foster show was an absolute cracker. The exhibitions were amazing. We had dog high jumps, the young farmers challenge, sheaf tossing, tractors, Scottish dancing, Highland dancing, rock’n’roll dancing, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, working dogs, dressage events, whip-cracking, ice creams and fairy floss everywhere, the giant pumpkins and of course woodchopping was included. A highly competitive event was the mullet competition, for which the grand prize was long and luxurious. May I just say congratulations to Noel and Amanda Afflitto, John Sagasser, Denia Gilheany, Sue Fleming, Gary Kipps and all of the fabulous committee – well done.