Thursday, 6 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Thrive 2025

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Ministers statements: Thrive 2025

Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (12:40): This year marks the 50-year anniversary of the settlement of the first Vietnamese refugees in Australia, and it is a milestone that both marks the resilience of a community and the compassion of a nation that welcomed them with open arms. As an MP representing the western suburbs of Melbourne I know and understand the lasting contribution of the Vietnamese Victorian community on our landscape and their impact on our state.

On Saturday I had the privilege of attending Thrive 2025, celebrating 50 years of Vietnamese refugees, hosted by the Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association and the National Vietnam Veterans Museum, along with many state and federal MPs. It was a day of celebration and commemoration that paid tribute to the service of Vietnam War veterans and the resilience of Vietnamese refugees. Their individual stories remind us of their courage and sacrifice and of the Victorian Vietnamese community’s struggle to leave their homes and in many cases their loved ones to build a life in a new country. It is important to acknowledge that the richness of our cultural identity is deeply rooted in the unique Vietnamese refugee experience. Over 50 years the Vietnamese Australian community has grown to be one of the most vibrant, diverse and successful communities in our nation, and this is the powerful multicultural story of just one of our incredible communities. Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths, and we must all ensure that the voices and contributions of our multicultural and multifaith communities continue to be recognised, celebrated and remembered.