Thursday, 6 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Down Syndrome Victoria


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Down Syndrome Victoria

Anasina GRAY-BARBERIO (Northern Metropolitan) (12:36): (844) My question is for the Minister for Disability. Evidence suggests that many parents do not receive accurate or balanced information about Down syndrome following a prenatal diagnosis. This is reflected in 90 per cent of high-chance screenings resulting in termination. Disability care begins at the earlier stages of life, so ensuring parents have access to proper support and education is crucial in helping them make informed decisions that best suit their family. Down Syndrome Victoria can provide these services but does not have adequate resources to intervene at the prenatal stage. Minister, what funding, if any, has been allocated to Down Syndrome Victoria for supporting parents with prenatal care once they have learned their child has Down syndrome?

Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:37): I thank Ms Gray-Barberio for her question. This is an issue that is of particular importance to me. I am happy to address your question but it is actually a matter for the Minister for Health, and I am happy to raise your question with her. Indeed I have already been having conversations with her, because I know that Down Syndrome Victoria rightfully are advocating on this point. I would absolutely agree that the dignity of every life begins at conception and that ensuring that all families have the support that they need to make informed decisions and be able to plan for the care of their child, particularly a child with Down syndrome who has special needs, is absolutely critical.

Can I also thank Daniel and his team for the amazing work that Down Syndrome Victoria do with people who have Down syndrome, those who are involved in the organisation who have Down syndrome and also the many families that they work with to support the Down syndrome community. I have had many conversations with Down Syndrome Victoria about this, as has my previous parliamentary secretary. Mr Walters in the other place had many conversations with Down Syndrome Victoria about these issues. They are incredibly important, and I will continue to raise them with the Minister for Health on your behalf.

Anasina GRAY-BARBERIO (Northern Metropolitan) (12:38): Thanks, Minister. Can you confirm whether the government recognises prenatal support, including providing parents with support and education to understand their ability to care for a child with Down syndrome? I do believe that there is overlap with your department on this given that the government does work around prenatal support and how important it is for disability care.

Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:39): I again thank Ms Gray-Barberio for her important question. As I said, these matters that relate to prenatal care are indeed a matter for the Minister for Health. There is of course an advocacy role within my portfolio for all people with disabilities, including unborn children. That is a role I take very seriously, but the specifics of your question go to the responsibilities of the Minister for Health, and I will raise those with her accordingly on your behalf.