Thursday, 6 March 2025

Members statements

Youth crime

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Youth crime

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (10:01): I rise to condemn the violent assaults that took place at the Bendigo Marketplace this week when a group of youths attacked a security guard and a legally blind man. The blind man was attacked for no other reason than for the assault to be filmed for social media. He was kicked in the face and left injured and in pain. The security guard was kicked and punched, and his head was stomped on as he lay helpless on the ground. These sickening attacks took place right across the road from the Premier’s own electorate office. Victorians do not feel safe in their homes or in their communities. The Premier is now experiencing violence right under her own nose. It is time she dealt with the rising levels of crime and violence in Victoria and made Victorians feel safe again.