Thursday, 6 March 2025

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region


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Western Victoria Region

Sarah MANSFIELD (Western Victoria) (12:43): (1441) My question is for the Minister for Housing and Building. Residents in Norlane shared with me their concerns about the private sell-off of 11 public housing units, including the land in their suburb. Norlane is one of the most disadvantaged suburbs in the state; public, social and affordable housing are crucial supports for the local community who have formed strong and longstanding bonds. Constituents are stressed that the government would choose to sell off properties and public land to the highest private bidder, which instead could be refurbished to have new public housing built on them or transferred to the existing housing co-operative. Minister, could you advise what parameters are in place to ensure that 100 per cent of these sale profits go directly back into the public housing stock of Norlane?