Thursday, 6 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ballarat car parks


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Ballarat car parks

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (12:17): (840) My question is to the Minister for Regional Development. Minister, in September last year your predecessor stated that the 400 new car parking spaces at the Ballarat Base Hospital funded by your department would be free. This was part of a 2018 commitment made to provide Ballarat with 1000 free car parking spaces to service the Ballarat CBD. The fact of the matter is that these 400 car parking spaces are only free for an hour, much like all other council-operated car parking spaces in the vicinity; after that they are paid. So, Minister, do you concede that these 400 additional car parking spaces at Ballarat Base Hospital are not completely free?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:17): I thank Mr McCracken for his question. I am prepared for a car parks question, because there have been quite a few of them in the last couple of years. I have not yet had the opportunity to visit Ballarat since returning to the portfolio of regional development, but I will be certainly –

Members interjecting.

Jaclyn SYMES: Mr McCracken, I will let you know. We might leave Mrs McArthur off the invite list, but I will let you know when I am next coming to Ballarat to talk about the important issues and the investment that the Labor government have made in that fine, fine city.

In relation to the Ballarat Base Hospital car parks, the site was the most highly supported location for new car parks in a community survey, which you may have contributed to. We have opened 400 new public car spaces at that hospital across the four new levels, doubling its capacity and obviously offering easier access, particularly for patients, workers and visitors. While the ongoing operations of the Ballarat hospital car park are a matter for Grampians Health, the 400 car parks are available free of charge, I am advised, for up to 4 hours.

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (12:19): Minister, after six years the state Labor government have still not delivered the 1000 free car parking spaces promised for the Ballarat CBD in 2018. The 1000 car parking spaces have not been delivered yet. When will they be delivered?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:19): Again, Mr McCracken, I am going to come and have a look at all the car parks when I am next in Ballarat, because we are on track to deliver over –

Members interjecting.

Jaclyn SYMES: Why are you so nasty today? Everyone I am answering questions to is fine. It is the rest of them.

The PRESIDENT: The minister to continue.

Jaclyn SYMES: Mr McCracken, I am interested in your car park issue, unlike some of your colleagues. I look forward to visiting Ballarat, and I am more than happy to let you know when I am there, because I want to see the 1400 free car parking spaces that have already been delivered. We are on track to deliver over 2000, and I am more than happy to have a little bit of a tour in relation to car parks in Ballarat.