Thursday, 19 October 2023

Members statements

Surf Coast planning


Members statements

Surf Coast planning

Richard RIORDAN (Polwarth) (09:34): My members statement today brings to the house’s attention the petition from some 310, or thereabouts, Torquay residents about something which came to their attention without any warning or consultation – one of the government’s Big Housing Build projects. The people of Torquay absolutely embrace the need for more public and social housing in their community – it is one of the least supplied forms of housing – but what they are not happy about is that in an estate where families and people have moved to, with very clear planning provisions in that area that they are to be single-dwelling lots or within standard planning areas, the state government has allowed a development that will see some 12 self-contained units built on a lot that would otherwise be available just for one or maybe two homes. This is causing great consternation in the community because there are many more developments to go ahead in the Torquay area. People need to be able to buy and develop in those areas with the confidence that what they are buying into, what they are investing their life savings in, can actually be maintained. This is an unfair imposition. This housing is much needed in the community – it could be developed in this community without any doubt – but it needs to be in the right spot, it needs to be thoughtful and in the government’s quest for the big build it must take it into consideration.