Thursday, 19 October 2023
Boronia train station
Boronia train station
Jackson TAYLOR (Bayswater) (17:17): (392) The Big Build is coming to Boronia. In fact, with some very early investigation works occurring, it is already here, courtesy of the Allan Labor government’s commitment to giving Boronia locals a completely overhauled station. I want to try something a little bit different, so if you are watching on social media, forgive the graphics popping up courtesy of my graphics guru Will. I am told it helps with engagement.
I wish to raise a matter for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. The action I seek is for the minister to join me out at Boronia station and to get an update on the ground with me to discuss what the next steps in delivering this massive project are. Boronia is changing. It is growing. Locals deserve better amenities, and locals need a better station. This massive project will see a complete overhaul of the station precinct, but it is not just about the tired old station. This will also create a new heart of Boronia. Will, can we please insert a heart emoji? Thank you. How will we do that, you ask? We are putting a deck – a roof, if you will – over the southern railway trench closest to Woolies to create lots of new open space that has never existed, and it will make it easier to get around too. I believe my graphics guru is doing something on the screen now to depict what that will look like.
But we have not forgotten about the buses either. The interchange will get an upgrade too, and this is all in addition to our work already underway to revitalise Boronia, which is seeing new lighting, new murals, new laneways, new streetscapes, a brekkie program to help those who need it – and more. I am proud that we are a government that do not just talk. We get stuff done and lots of it right here in Boronia. Will, is there anything else I have missed? Yes, that is right: work starting and finishing dates. Major works will start and kick off next year, and we will see a new beaut Boronia station in 2026 alongside the delivery of a level crossing free Belgrave line between Ferntree Gully and the city. Of course we look forward to seeing you out there, Minister. Will, to throw everyone out, can you chuck up one of those ‘100’ emojis? Cheers.