Thursday, 19 October 2023

Members statements

Middle East conflict

Middle East conflict

Nathan LAMBERT (Preston) (10:01): Some members of our family live in a moshav near the Gaza Strip. They are okay in the sense that they have not been physically harmed by the recent attacks, but their lives will never be the same again. War is always full of horrors, but people going from door to door murdering and terrorising non-combatants in front of their families is a special kind of horror. It was at My Lai, it was at Deir Yassin and it was at Eshkol. Thousands of innocent Palestinian men, women and children have also been killed, including the family members of our fellow Victorians. Our hearts go out to them. When their family has been killed by Israeli bombs, they will be rightfully devastated and angry. I have spoken with the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network. I have spoken with local Palestinians. I have spent time in Ramallah. I think we all agree that as this conflict continues we should try to be as humane as possible in our comments, acknowledge the suffering on both sides and distinguish between the actions of people and the actions of their leaders. We must keep in mind that our responsibilities as Victorian MPs in a subnational government are to own multicultural and multifaith communities. I do not think that any of us should be out trying to win votes by making divisive comments about a tragic overseas conflict. We hope for peace, and our thoughts are with everyone whose families are suffering and grieving.