Thursday, 19 October 2023
Members statements
Uncle Kevin Coombs OAM
Uncle Kevin Coombs OAM
Natalie HUTCHINS (Sydenham – Minister for Jobs and Industry, Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, Minister for Women) (09:55): I rise today to extend my condolences to the family and loved ones of Uncle Kevin Coombs OAM, who sadly passed away at age 82 just two weeks ago. Uncle Kevin was a highly respected Wotjobaluk elder with connections to Wemba Wemba and Wurundjeri. Uncle Kevin was born in Swan Hill and competed in five Paralympic Games on behalf of Australia. As documented in his recent testimony to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, from his ancestors’ experiences at Ebenezer Mission to his grandfather’s poor treatment despite his sacrifices in World War I to the racism Uncle Kevin experienced and the challenging times in hospital after his accident and throughout his life, Uncle Kevin became an important advocate for disabled sports and his community. He was this country’s first Aboriginal Paralympian. His advocacy and work in Aboriginal health, education and the justice system means there have been significant benefits to the community through his work. In 2000 when Uncle Kevin addressed the Victorian Parliament he stated:
We cannot expect attitudes to change and problems to disappear overnight, but genuine goodwill and a genuine desire for reconciliation will find the means to effective change.
Such powerful words that still stand today. I wish to offer my sincere condolences to his family.