Thursday, 19 October 2023

Members statements

Positive Ageing Festival

Positive Ageing Festival

Martin CAMERON (Morwell) (09:49): It is the Positive Ageing Festival month in the Latrobe Valley, and if you are 55-plus years young my goodness are there some things for you to do. From movies, daytrips, live music, pickleball, swimming, venue tours, opera and orchestra performances, you will need a rest in November to recover from all the shenanigans from the month of October. I called past the live performance from Melissa Langton and band on a wet, wet day, and the indoor venue was perfect. With a large crowd singing along it was great to be in attendance. A big shout-out to Kath Roberts for the invite, and I am sure everyone enjoyed the performance. I even had time to do the CPR and defib training that our wonderful paramedics were teaching in the foyer.