Thursday, 19 October 2023

Constituency questions

Brunswick electorate

Brunswick electorate

Tim READ (Brunswick) (14:45): (376) My question is for the Minister for Industrial Relations. The new Victorian fair jobs code for the community services sector sets requirements for government-funded community service agencies to provide good working conditions. While inclusions such as domestic violence leave and limitations on casual work are welcomed, a constituent of mine has explained that the code is not strong enough on enforcement: it does not require agencies to participate in government-moderated dispute resolution processes. Instead, this process is voluntary, which means agencies can decline. My constituent has observed that the SCHADS award, the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award, which covers community services, likewise only allows arbitration in Fair Work by consent, which agencies have regularly denied in the past. In the light of this, will you amend this dispute resolution process so that it is binding rather than voluntary?