Thursday, 19 October 2023
Constituency questions
Benambra electorate
Benambra electorate
Bill TILLEY (Benambra) (14:47): (378) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the information I seek is how many claims for damage to motor vehicles caused by potholes and other road failures have been approved by the Department of Transport and Planning in the Benambra district this year? Now, I am a punting man, and it is coming up to that season with our Spring Racing Carnival, but I am tipping it is none. This Andrews–Allan government have this outlandish $1580 threshold for damage before anyone can even consider making a claim. But when someone puts in one of these claims, the advice they get falls back on some bureaucratic nonsense that says no. For the minister to come back with further information and say that these roads are patrolled every week and the potholes are repaired every seven days, on behalf of the people in the north-east, I call BS.