Thursday, 19 October 2023
Casey early parenting centre
Casey early parenting centre
Jordan CRUGNALE (Bass) (17:21): (394) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health, and the action I seek is that the minister join me and our neighbouring government MP colleagues and visit the site of the early parenting centre in Clyde North. The project is nearing completion. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further how it will benefit young families in the Casey area, which is one of the fastest growing in the country. An early parenting centre is a free service that provides specialist support for families with children from birth to four years of age. They deliver flexible, targeted services that aim to enhance the parent–child relationship. They also support parents with strategies like sleep and settling, child behaviour and parent and child health and wellbeing. Our government continues to invest record amounts in the health sector, providing services that strengthen and support Victorian families. Early parenting centres are part of the broader service system supporting families, which includes maternal and child health services and programs, supported playgroups and community-based parenting programs. I look forward to welcoming the minister to this centre – there she is right at the table, looking straight back at me – and also hearing how the facility will benefit future generations living in our local community.