Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Members statements

Diamond Valley Community Support

Diamond Valley Community Support

Colin BROOKS (Bundoora – Minister for Development Victoria, Minister for Precincts, Minister for Creative Industries) (10:11): I rise to highlight the incredible work of Diamond Valley Community Support, which is based in my electorate in Greensborough. This wonderful organisation provides a range of services such as emergency relief for things like food and other essential items; the KidsAssist scheme, which helps with education costs for families in financial hardship; the food collective, providing food hampers and financial counselling; and tax help for low-income earners. They coordinate Christmas gifts each year for kids who would otherwise miss out. They run a volunteers hub to connect prospective volunteers with organisations looking for volunteers, and they connect people to other services. Each year Diamond Valley Community Support provide assistance to around 9000 people, predominantly from the Banyule and Nillumbik areas. While Diamond Valley Community Support does receive funding through government service agreements and grants, the majority of its income is self-generated through the operation of the popular market at La Trobe University car parks every Sunday and monthly markets at Macleod and Hurstbridge. They also run successful op shops at Diamond Creek and Macleod. An organisation providing this level of support obviously has a limited number of paid staff, but it is powered by more than 100 locals who volunteer to put back into their local community. They give approximately 19,000 volunteer hours every year. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the team at Diamond Valley Community Support and thank them for the incredible work that they do in my local community.