Wednesday, 15 May 2024


National Energy Retail Law (Victoria) Bill 2024


National Energy Retail Law (Victoria) Bill 2024

Council’s amendments

Message from Council relating to following amendments considered:

1. Clause 26, lines 23 to 25, omit all words and expressions on these lines and insert –

retailer authorisation means a retailer authorisation within the meaning of the National Energy Retail Law (Victoria) that authorises the holder to sell electricity;”.

2. Clause 34, lines 27 to 29, omit all words and expressions on these lines and insert –

retailer authorisation means a retailer authorisation within the meaning of the National Energy Retail Law (Victoria) that authorises the holder to sell gas;”.

Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:57): I move:

That the amendments be agreed to.

James NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:57): Just briefly, the amendments as I understand it are simple amendments that correct typographical changes required and are non-controversial, and the coalition will not be opposing these changes.

Paul EDBROOKE (Frankston) (14:57): It is also my understanding that these amendments are very simple in nature. They are not controversial at all. We look forward to seeing this bill pass through the house.

Motion agreed to.

The SPEAKER: A message will now be sent to the Legislative Council informing them of the house’s decision.