Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Morwell electorate
Morwell electorate
Martin CAMERON (Morwell) (14:54): (648) My question is for the minister for roads, and the information I seek is for the minister to explain when there will be workers returning to finally finish the Latrobe River bridge at Tyers. The community has lobbied tirelessly for decades for the new bridge to be built, which was at long last due to be finished in December 2023, but we are still waiting for the job to be done properly. For nearly three months there have been no workers onsite to install permanent barriers, the speed limit is still restricted to 40 kilometres per hour and my office has been inundated with questions about what is happening. Regional Roads Victoria recently updated its website to advise these works will be finished at the end of May. The end of May is two weeks away and there is no sign of any works. I wrote to the minister last month requesting an urgent update but have not received a reply. The Latrobe Valley community is sick of being dudded by this government, and I ask the minister to explain when the Tyers bridge will be finished.