Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

The SPEAKER (14:45): I have reviewed the constituency questions from 7 and 14 May 2024. On 7 May the member for Gippsland South asked the minister for a progress update on a bypass. Rulings from the Chair notes that asking for an update is an action, and I therefore rule the constituency question by the member for Gippsland South out of order. On 7 May the member for Mornington asked the Premier a question related to policy in Victoria generally that was not directly related to the member’s constituents or electorate. Rulings from the Chair, page 156, states that constituency questions must relate to constituency issues and not encompass broader policy issues. I therefore rule the member for Mornington’s constituency question out of order. Yesterday the member for Melbourne asked the Minister for Consumer Affairs a question that was also related to policy in Victoria generally and not directly related to the member’s constituents or electorate. I therefore rule the member for Melbourne’s constituency question out of order.