Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Western Victoria fires

Western Victoria fires

Emma KEALY (Lowan) (17:15): (663) My adjournment matter is to the Premier, and the action I seek is for the Premier to provide funding for the following priority projects to assist Pomonal and Dadswells Bridge to recover following the devastating bushfires back in February. The Premier came to the region following the bushfires, and so I know that she had seen firsthand the extent of the devastation through those two areas, particularly through the Pomonal community, which lost so many homes and of course the homes, importantly, of CFA volunteer firefighters.

Since the budget was handed down my office has been inundated with people who are suggesting important projects that could be funded as part of the disaster relief and recovery program. I would like to acknowledge a number of people who have worked really hard to push and collect this wish list together, and then I will run through the program. I would like to thank Colin Macaffer, Russ Kellett, Jill Miller and Tim Harrison, who is the CEO of Ararat Rural City Council. They have all done an incredible job in leading their community through this difficult time amongst many, many other locals in the Pomonal community. Of course Jacko over in Dadswells Bridge has done a fabulous job in that region as well.

The highest priority items are around supporting our vital CFA. They are requesting a slip-on four-wheel drive firefighting unit for Pomonal CFA, a new fire truck for Pomonal CFA, a second permanent tanker for Stawell fire brigade, land to be purchased in order to build a new station in the future at Stawell and an upgrade to Pomonal Hall. It does not have any double glazing or any fireproofing, and it also needs better storage and an appropriate sound system, including a hearing loop. Unfortunately during community meetings regarding the fires a lot of elderly residents could not hear what was being said. The hall also requires drainage and pathway improvements.

Improved internet and phone connectivity is needed throughout the entire Grampians region, as is more money for clean-up to help people get back on track with rebuilds. Another $50,000 to $100,000 is needed for the Pomonal resilience committee for their voucher program to support people who lost housing. They need various housing options, particularly smaller units for ageing residents, and also new surfacing and lighting for the two tennis courts, new tennis clubrooms and the establishment of a walking track around the existing oval. Pomonal Talks need some funding – $2000 a year to keep the initiative going. Bike and walking tracks from Pomonal Estate into the township, past Nadia’s lovely little store and into Halls Gap, are needed. They need money for youth services – they want to start a boxing class there – and grant support for Pomonal Cottages and other businesses impacted by the fire, whether they were fully destroyed or suffered loss of trade. There still has not been any funding provided for businesses or for primary producers, which has been offered in previous funding. There is also a range of other things like a tool library, Pomonal market and so many other initiatives. I ask ‍– (Time expired)