Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Euroa electorate
Euroa electorate
Annabelle CLEELAND (Euroa) (14:48): (642) My question is for the Minister for Health, and I ask: what is this government’s plan to improve the oral health of communities like Heathcote that do not have a fluoridated water supply? Nine of out 10 Australians have access to fluoridated water; however, too many children living in Heathcote communities suffer poor dental health because of a lack of state government action. Heathcote is the largest community in Greater Bendigo that does not have fluoridated water, with just under 5000 missing out on the opportunity for healthier, stronger teeth and a chance at better outcomes in life. Heathcote community leaders have been advocating for water fluoridation for many years due to concerns about the poor health and oral health of residents. Both children and adults in Heathcote have far higher rates of decayed, missing or filled teeth. Community members have limited access to dental services and need to travel about 50 kilometres. Delayed treatment leads to a whole range of adverse health outcomes and entrenched health disadvantages for kids growing up in towns like Heathcote, and this needs to be addressed absolutely immediately.