Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Energy policy


Energy policy

James NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:36): My question is to the Minister for Energy and Resources. Yesterday the minister boldly declared that the only ban on gas in Victoria is a ban on fracking. On 1 ‍January this year the government gazetted an amendment that changes ‘all planning schemes in Victoria by prohibiting new gas connections for new dwellings’. Did the minister mislead the house about Labor’s gas ban?

Lily D’AMBROSIO (Mill Park – Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for the State Electricity Commission) (14:36): I thank the member for the question. I think the member, with the question that is being put, likes to cut the question in different ways depending on his audience. The reality is this: when those opposite talk about whether there are bans in Victoria on gas, it is about the production and it is about the exploration. It is about the production of gas. I have been very clear and this side of the house has been very clear that there is no ban on exploration or extraction of gas onshore in Victoria or indeed within state waters, and indeed there are a number of licences that are active in state waters and onshore for the exploration and extraction of gas. The problem is very little can be found. That is the situation we are in.

Members interjecting.

Lily D’AMBROSIO: Unless you want to start fracking. Excuse me for thinking that those opposite once upon a time actually voted with this government to ban fracking. If they have got other desires, then they should be honest with the Victorian public, be honest with the farmers, be honest with those people who care for the environment, that their intention is to frack for gas. They should be honest with Victorians and stop hiding behind the pretence that somehow there is a ban on gas in Victoria.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the minister has started debating the question.

The SPEAKER: The minister has concluded her answer.

James NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:38): In April the minister said:

Sometimes I think you need to say what it actually means about substituting out … fossil gas …

Minister, what does Labor’s gas ban in new homes actually mean for gas plumbers and gas retailers?

Lily D’AMBROSIO (Mill Park – Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for the State Electricity Commission) (14:38): I thank the member for the supplementary question. There is no secret here that when you have a declining resource, such as we do with gas, quite evidenced by the lead scientist, by AEMO, by the ACCC, there are courses of action that responsible governments, on behalf of their communities, need to take, and that is to conserve the declining resource for those parts of our economy that rely on it and cannot substitute out for other types of energy sources or fuels. That is what that is. Those opposite would like to pretend that this is not happening. The reality is this: the production of gas in Victoria is declining – declining at a sharper rate than the demand for gas. Those two things unabated cannot be sustained, and that is why we actually have a policy – (Time expired)