Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Constituency questions
Polwarth electorate
Polwarth electorate
Richard RIORDAN (Polwarth) (14:50): (644) My question is for the Minister for Housing in the other place, and the question I have is: will the minister support the Torquay community in its desire to have the Haven Foundation’s Big Housing Build 12-unit mental health facility moved from its proposed location in Silvereye Street to the now vacant and available Department of Health land about a kilometre away in Torquay? The government in this week’s budget made it clear that they are no longer going ahead with the Torquay community hospital, and the current site is generally believed by the community to be inappropriate – adjacent to a primary school, near a child day care centre and in a street with parking on only one side of the street. The facility will have at minimum 14 or 15 cars associated with it. There is no parking available; there are no outdoor spaces. It is an inappropriate site for the location and would be much better suited on the now available – (Time expired)