Thursday, 20 March 2025
Members statements
Construction industry
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Construction industry
Wayne FARNHAM (Narracan) (09:51): It is no secret in this chamber that I am pretty passionate about the construction industry, and nothing disturbed me more than watching 60 Minutes on Sunday night and what has happened and the lack of action that actually has occurred. It was very disappointing that in July last year we tried to introduce police checks on government building sites. If we look at the footage from Sunday night of that poor woman getting kicked by her partner and we hear the report about the guy that locked the woman in the shed – he had been released from jail for threats to kill and stalking women – it makes me wonder what it will take for this government to do something. We brought this in because I want to see the industry cleaned up. I want police checks on government building sites. It is no use standing in this chamber saying, ‘We feel sorry for them that this has happened.’ How about the government actually do something? Good members of the CFMEU, good men and women of the CFMEU, are at risk. I do not know what it will take for this government to get it through their head. Bring in police checks in the CFMEU. If you want to get rid of corruption, bring in police checks. If you want to get rid of the criminal element, bring in police checks. If you want to protect women in the CFMEU, bring in police checks.