Thursday, 20 March 2025

Constituency questions

Broadmeadows electorate


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Broadmeadows electorate

Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (14:59): (1068) My question is for the Minister for Public and Active Transport and Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and the question I ask is: what is being done to improve safety and visibility for cyclists and pedestrians near the entrance to the underpass on the western side of Jacana station? Concerns regarding collisions and frequent near misses between pedestrians and cyclists at this location have been raised by residents on the Glenroy community page. It has been suggested that safety, visibility and sightlines could potentially be improved by the installation of curved mirrors at the entrance to the underpass. The Glenroy community page is a great resource for locals, and it shows the community at its best when people assist and advise each other. I thank active local resident Beris Hammond and local transport advocate Michael O’Connor for suggesting residents raise this issue with me. I look forward to the minister’s response regarding the matter.