Thursday, 20 March 2025

Constituency questions

Prahran electorate


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Prahran electorate

Rachel WESTAWAY (Prahran) (15:00): (1069) I would like to raise a question to the Minister for Education. Why did the minister and his department endorse Swinburne University to sell the land on which the Windsor community childcare centre is located? The land was gifted to Swinburne by the Baillieu government to be used for education and community purposes, not sold for development. The sale of the land would result in the closure of this much-loved centre which provides high-quality child care for more than 100 local families. Swinburne could not sell this land without state government endorsement. Quality child care is vital for families. It provides excellent socialisation skills for children and support for families and caregivers that work or require respite for themselves or other family members. It is vital for the constituents of Prahran to be able to have access to ongoing quality child care and not be faced with this anxiety-causing situation. The government, which claims to represent families, should be ashamed that they are allowing this to happen.

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, in terms of unanswered questions – and I have raised this point of order on a number of occasions – I have a number of questions that remain unanswered by the Minister for Finance and Minister for Economic Growth and Jobs. They are questions on notice 1621–3, 1763, 1897, 1932, 1935 and 1967. That is eight questions to the minister which are unanswered still. Questions to the Minister for Water in the other place, question on notice 1930, and to the Minister for Ambulance Services, question on notice 1972, both remain unanswered. I would appreciate a response for my constituents.

The SPEAKER: Can you make sure that the clerks have the list, please.