Thursday, 20 March 2025
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David HODGETT (Croydon) (00:21): (1081) My adjournment is for the Minister for Planning, and the action I seek is for the minister to remove a covenant on 29 Gladesville Drive, Kilsyth, to allow a Department of Families, Fairness and Housing movable unit for accommodation for my constituent, who is homeless. My constituent is a 66-year-old female who has been homeless since 27 October 2022 after her rental home was flooded. She spent months in Emergency Recovery Victoria apartments and has moved eight times over two years. My constituent has been on the waiting list for public housing for over nine years, and with the massive wait times and demand for housing it could be many, many more years. She is on a pension and is not able to afford private rentals. She has worked with many agencies, including Uniting, Harrison and Windermere, to address her housing needs. She is in contact with Housing Victoria, who have informed her that there are movable units available. A friend has kindly offered their backyard to set up a movable unit, but its covenant only allows brick or brick veneer construction to be erected on it, which obviously the movable units are not.
In 2023 the Andrews government brought in planning reforms to allow granny flats to be built without planning approvals to help boost housing supply. This would be another way to achieve this. My constituent has been advised to engage a lawyer to have the covenant removed, but this process would cost thousands of dollars, which she does not have. It is concerning enough to hear that a 66-year-old woman is homeless, but what is more concerning is the stress and anxiety it is causing her not having a safe, stable roof over her head. My constituent deserves to have housing and a warm bed where she can concentrate on her mental health. Minister, I urge you to remove the covenant, which will allow immediate accommodation for my constituent; she cannot remain homeless. I will be happy to provide further details of my constituent confidentially to you in order for you to provide the necessary assistance in this case.