Thursday, 20 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: recreational boating and fishing
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Ministers statements: recreational boating and fishing
Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:46): Here in Victoria there has never been a better time to go out and catch a fish or be a boater here in this state. If you love catching fish, that is one of the reasons why we have stocked 66 million fish and also made it cheaper and easier for Victorian families. They might like to cast a line or they might like to get out on the water, cruising around one of our fabulous waterways. To support this work we have abolished fees across all of Victoria’s 415 public boat ramps. Do you know what this does? It does not just help make it easier for people to get out on the water, it also means that they can save their money and they might have a bit more money to spend on some bait and tackle or maybe even to buy a cocktail from the ship’s bar. It is all extra money in people’s pockets. Also, right across the state we have built and upgraded new platforms –
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is required to be factual. She has sacked so many workers from Victorian fisheries –
The SPEAKER: The Premier to continue.
Jacinta ALLAN: Touchy, much? Of course we know that the one in 10 Victorians who participate in boating like participating in boating right here in Victoria. Also, thanks to our Better Boating Fund, $100 million of Victorian licensing fees have been invested back into facilities. It means there is a great opportunity to go and drop an anchor in Queenscliff – not in Queensland. Now is a fantastic opportunity also in St Leonards, in Inverloch and in Echuca – cheerio to the former Leader of the National Party. We support investments in Echuca, Lake Boga, Clifton Springs, Warrnambool and so many more. We are making these investments because we know Victorians love getting out on the water. They love getting out on a boat, dropping a line and supporting our great Victorian-based industries. That is why whether you are a fisher or a boater you have got our government’s support.
Tim Richardson: On a point of order, Speaker, there have been probably about 25 points of order taken today, some of which have been on ministers statements around relevance, which is not a standing order in that it is about factual basis. But on more than 20 occasions the Manager of Opposition Business has narrated on the point of order against your rulings – that was not the member for Brighton’s previous form – and consistently has not followed your rulings now for three days. I just draw your attention to that, Speaker, for your consideration on how those points of order are taken.
Roma Britnell interjected.
The SPEAKER: Order! Member for South-West Coast!
Tim Richardson: I ask for the member for South-West Coast to withdraw.
The SPEAKER: I ask you to withdraw, member for South-West Coast.
Roma Britnell: For referring to him as the member for behaviour change?
The SPEAKER: The member for South-West Coast will withdraw.
Roma Britnell: I am just wanting some clarification.
The SPEAKER: You need to withdraw – no question.
Roma Britnell: I withdraw.
The SPEAKER: Thank you. Member for Mordialloc, I want to rule on the point of order.
Brad Battin: On the point of order, Speaker, I note the member for Mordialloc’s argument around the number of points of order called from this side of the house. The only reason that the points of order have been called is because this government cannot stand up here and be factual or relevant to the questions that have been asked. This week we have asked 13 questions here in this chamber, and of those 13 questions we still do not have one single factual or relevant answer. I ask you to call the point of order out of order.
The SPEAKER: There is no point of order. There is no further point of order. If the member for Mordialloc wishes to question my rulings, he is welcome to come and speak to me in my office, as is the Leader of the Opposition.