Thursday,20 March 2025
Constituency questions
Gippsland East electorate
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Gippsland East electorate
Tim BULL (Gippsland East) (14:53): (1062) My constituency question is to the Minister for Environment, and the information I am seeking is when the new Cape Conran cabins will be open. On 4 September 2020 I asked the minister when they would be open. The minister replied on 12 October 2020 and said they would be open by Christmas 2020. They are still not open. We were then told 2022, we were then told 2024, and lo and behold, I was up there the other day and the sticker has been changed to 2025. But I am told by parks staff it is unlikely to happen this year – after we were told Christmas 2020. It is not good enough, and I ask the minister when those cabins will be open so that members in this chamber can enjoy a lovely holiday in East Gippsland at Cape Conran.
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