Thursday, 20 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Construction industry

Sam GROTH, Jacinta ALLAN

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Construction industry

Sam GROTH (Nepean) (14:41): My question is to the Premier. This week the Premier has refused to answer serious questions about the Big Build, including why the government has failed to ensure the safety of women on construction sites, whether certain individuals are employed on Big Build sites despite failing to attend them, how long the Premier has been aware of bikies on Big Build sites, why bikies are still profiting from the Big Build sites after almost a decade, why the Premier has failed to stamp out corruption and how much of the $50 billion in blowouts is caused by organised crime on Big Build sites. As the Premier has been unable to answer these questions, why won’t she call a royal commission so Victorians can get the answers they deserve?

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:42): I genuinely do thank the member for Nepean for his question, because it gives me an opportunity to give the same answer I gave to this question yesterday when I was asked about a royal commission on this matter. I know the member for Nepean was ejected from the chamber this week, so he might have missed that this was a question that has been already asked in this house this week. But I will be delighted to answer it again. I think we all now know why the Leader of the Opposition did not ask this question, because he was here and he knows that this is something that the house has already addressed over the course of this week. So with the indulgence of the rest of my colleagues, I will direct this answer directly to the member for Nepean for the personal briefing that the member for Nepean has clearly asked for through his question.

Sam Groth: On a point of order, Speaker, the standing orders require the Premier to be direct. We are a minute into her answer, and she has not gone anywhere near answering the question.

The SPEAKER: The Premier will come back to the question.

Jacinta ALLAN: I have previously been direct on this answer this week, so I will repeat it again. In terms of the question about a royal commission, my focus is on taking the action now that needs to be taken to stamp out the rotten culture, and as I have answered previously in this house over the course of this week I have outlined the range of actions that have been taken. Also, we have seen previously here in this country, a number of years ago, that a royal commission was held into these matters. It took two years, and all it resulted in was five failed criminal investigations. What I am focused on is supporting the work that the federal government, through its administrator, is doing now and the work we need to do here in Victoria, which I have outlined previously to the house, rather than something that would take years and not achieve focusing on the issue now. I have zero tolerance for this behaviour, which is why we are taking the actions immediately.

Sam GROTH (Nepean) (14:45): Why does the Premier continue to spout rhetoric about protecting women and workers while running a protection racket for bikies and organised crime that have infiltrated Victoria’s Big Build sites?

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:45): I absolutely reject the premise and the frame of this question. I am proud to be part of a government and a labour movement. The reason why unions have such an important role on worksites around this country is because of their focus on worker safety. Protecting the rights and safety of workers, whether they are on construction sites, whether they are in hospitals –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: I ask members at the table to cease the commentary across the table.

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, the Premier is required to be factual, and the facts of the matter are that women and workers are being bullied, intimidated and harassed on government worksites. I ask you to ask the Premier to be factual.

The SPEAKER: I ask the Premier to come back to the question.

Jacinta ALLAN: I was clearly rejecting the imputation. We are absolutely 100 per cent committed to supporting safe workplaces for all people, but particularly women. Women on worksites deserve the best of union representation, which is why we are working with the federal government and with the administrator to stamp out this rotten culture.